PhotoBugBaby Photo Bug Baby: Escape to the Spa with Zenses for Nintendo DS Giveaway! CLOSED!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Escape to the Spa with Zenses for Nintendo DS Giveaway! CLOSED!

I am not much of a video game person but a Nintendo DS is something I really want. There are so many cool games being made for it. Maybe Santa will surprise me with one this year. Although, I am not holding out hope, lol.

The Zenses Games:
Zenses Ocean and Zenses Rainforest are the first in a series of games offereing a brand new and totally fresh gaming experience for the modern woman. It's spa-like escapism in a handbag!

The Zenses series takes the very best gameplay from the puzzle and brain genres and wraps it up in a clean, fresh stylish look accompanied by an ambient soundtrack to support the calm and relaxing atmosphere. Zenses enables active relaxation and is the perfect "me time" companion, allowing you to transcent the stresses of everyday life, unplug and experience and "active escape".

The Zenses series contains two games, Zenses Ocean and Zenses Rainforest.
According to The Game Factory Zenses Ocean is the first in a series of games targeting one of the fastest growing segments of the videogames industry - 25+ females. The Game Factory is offering one winner a copy of each of the two Zenses titles, Zenses Ocean and Zenses Rainforest!

How the enter Giveaway:
Go to The Zenses site and then come back here and comment on which game you would pick and one feature of that game.

Extra Entries:
-Subscribe to my updates (1 extra)
-Carry my button on your sidebar (3 extra)
-Twitter this giveaway (leave a comment with link to your tweet) (1 extra per day per tweet)
- Blog about this giveaway (3 extra)
-Follow Me (1 extra)

please leave a separate comment for each extra entry

Giveaway ends on Thursday, January 1st at noon EST

(you MUST leave a way for me to contact you or another winner will be chosen)

This Giveaway opportunity was made possible by:


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Miss Blondie said... 1

I like the Rainforest game and the feature i like the most is "the ambient sounds inspired by the rainforest." Now, who wouldn't like that?!?


mom2cutekids said... 2

This would be interesting for sure. I think I would like the rainforest one the most. The best features are the sounds and pictures of flowers and things from the rainforest.

Maria's Space said... 5

I also like the rainforest game. I love puzzle games that I can get lost in while sitting with my husband while he watches football. said... 7

I really like the Oceans Zenses game, i'd love the audio soothing sounds of the game. another game at the Game Factory i'd like is Biker Mice from Mars, it looks colorful and fun! Thanks

valerie2350 said... 12

blogged entry 1

valerie2350 said... 13

blogged entry 2

valerie2350 said... 14

blogged entry 3

collyn23 said... 16

i would pick the rainforest one because the sounds of the rainforest and playing with trees and raindrops sounds intriguing

Annie1 said... 18

I would choose the Zenses Ocean because it promotes "active relaxation" which sounds super interesting!


Reva Skie said... 21

I would pick th ocean because I like the tide movements and rippling waters in the games

Anonymous said... 23

I like the oceans game. I think a feature that I would enjoy would be the sounds - relaxing I hope.

walters123 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said... 25

I would love to try out the Zenses Rainforest game. I once spent three weeks doing humanitarian work in Costa Rica, and let me tell you, a little bit of my heart is still wandering around that gorgeous rainforest. I love the idea of revisiting that experience and games played with raindrops sounds pretty intriguing!


3boyzmom said... 28

I would totally choose Zenses:Rainforest because to me, the sounds and visions of the rainforest would be extremely relaxing and soothing!!!

3boyzmom said... 29

I subscribed to your updates via Google Reader!!

3boyzmom said... 30

I added this giveaway to my list of bloggy giveaways!!

Carolyn Sharkas said... 40

I would pick the Rainforest game. I love the sounds of the rainforest and playing with raindrops would be so much fun.

thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

Anonymous said... 44

WOW!!! Rainforest is SO relaxing after a hectic and extremely busy holiday season. Now it's time to relax.

Anonymous said... 45

I like the Ocean game best. I love the ocean."allowing you to transcent the stresses of everyday life" sounds exactly like something I need.

Fangirl Jen said... 46

I would love to listen to the relaxing sounds of the Oceans game. Ocean sounds always relax me.

noreen said... 48

I would like the ocean one the most and I like the idea of games based on rippiling water and coral

bison61 said... 49

I picked the rainforest with the sounds of raindrops and waterfalls-that would be relaxing

tiramisu392 (at)

bison61 said... 50

I picked the rainforest with the sounds of raindrops and waterfalls-that would be relaxing

tiramisu392 (at)

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 51

I would choose the Zenses Ocean Game as I think that the sounds and ambiance of this game would be so soothing and relaxing.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
Happy Holidays !!

boba said... 52

I'd choose the Ocean game. I like how it has visuals and ambient sounds inspired by the sea.

Unknown said... 53

I would pick the jungle game - it has visuals of waterfalls, so it is sort of includes the 'ocean' theme as well.

scrunquist said... 54

The Ocean Zenses game sounds really neat! (With the ambient sounds and stunning visuals!) My son got a DS for Christmas, and could really use another game. Thanks!

Amanda A. said... 56

I'd love the Rainforest game. The soothing sounds is my favorite feature.

chromiumman said... 60

i'd pick the rainforest game because the sounds of the rainforest would be very relaxing

Princess Golden Hair said... 61

the ambient sounds inspired by the rainforest sounds so wonderful that I'm sold on the Zenses Rainforest game. If you go on their site you can even download the music free

mrs.mommyy said... 62

the ovean with the soothing sounds- and the visuals look great too.. I would love to get a build abear mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

Rachael said... 63

What a great idea, a game I could play when I am ready to call it a day and relax after the stress of a husband, kids, dogs, work, etc.

Liz said... 64

I would like the rainforest game for sure, it looks so peaceful and relaxing with the sounds of the rainforest. Thanks

Liz said... 66

Left a tweet on twitter.

carol myring said... 72


Anonymous said... 73

I like the ocean game and most of all the sounds of the waves lapping against the rocks and seashore. In this wintry state, the ocean makes me feel like it is sunshine and warmth,


Jenn S. said... 76

I like the Ocean game. I think I would I would like the casualness of game play - can play for a few minutes or a few hours or whatever and the relaxing sounds.

carrym said... 77

I would LOVE the rainforest game! I especially like that it is infused with rain drops, exotic flowers, waterfalls and giant trees.

Stephen Saunders said... 78

The rainforest one would be awesome as can be. I'd love the experience of the sights, sounds, etc of the rainforest. I'm an introvert so this would be a virtual vacation for me, free from the bugs and creepy crawlies lol. YaY!

theolotto said... 79

I'd love the rainforest game because it has the sights and sounds of the rainforest.

Unknown said... 80

I would pick the Zenses Ocean game. I think the sounds and the ripping waters and tides would be cool.

Unknown said... 85

Blog entry #1

Unknown said... 86

Blog Entry #2

Unknown said... 87

Blog entry #3

Donna said... 88

I would like the Zenses rainforest. The music is so relaxing! I was relaxing looking at their site!

Anonymous said... 91

I would pick the Rainforest Edition for the soothing sounds.

Christina G. said... 95

I would pick Zenses Ocean. It features puzzle games inspired by the movements of the tides. Sweet. Thanks for the giveaway!

Christina G. said... 100

I blogged:

Entry #1

Christina G. said... 101

I blogged:

Entry #2

Christina G. said... 102

I blogged:

Entry #3

smrtim said... 104

I really enjoyed this site. I would choose the rainforest, mainly because I live across the street from the beach in Fla. and beause i love the rainforest and we all need to work harder to consserve them.

paryjeja said... 105

I like the Zenses Ocean and I like that you can play for several minutes or several hours.

paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

toughturtles said... 106

Zenses Ocean

puzzle games inspired by the movements of the tide, rippling water, riffs and corals, beach vegetation and sea life. Zenses Ocean includes high quality visuals and ambient sounds inspired by the sea.

Unknown said... 109

I would definitely pick the rainforest, the waterfalls and trees sound too great :) I love the fact that you just get to relax and play a little game in front of a waterfall :)

trishden said... 110

I would like the cool green and soothing sounds of the rainforest game. I like the ambient sounds that accompany this game.

tatertot374 said... 112

I really like the Ocean game. I like the realistic images. THank you

Elena said... 114

I'd pick the Rainforest edition because of the beautiful graphics! Thanks for the contest!

Holly said... 116

I love the ocean, so know that I would love playing the ocean game.

hollyblanco at gmail dot com

Cynthya said... 117

I'd pick the Rainforest version, which has sounds inspired by the rainforest. Thanks for the giveaway!

Misty said... 118

i like the ocean on. the waves hitting the shore... what a beautiful sound that would be.

Twincere said... 120

I think the Ocean's games have neat sound and visual effects!Our eldest daughter has Asperger’s syndrome (a form of autism) and the best gift we ever gave her was her beloved Nintendo DS. I would love to win these games for her because they sound so relaxing and would be very therapeutic for her!

azrosebud said... 121

i would like the zenses ocean because it would remind me of the beach and that is a places that i truly love

Twincere said... 124

I have your button on my blog here:

Twincere said... 125

I blogged about this contest here:

Twincere said... 126

I tweeted about this on twitter here, username Twincere:

Anonymous said... 128

I would like to try the ocean game especially the pearl game feature. It looks great.

Anonymous said... 129

Zenses Ocean because of the soothing sounds of the waves

zekebamm said... 131

I like the rainforest one, and especially like that it incorporates the relaxing sounds.

Tina said... 132

I like the rainforest game and the sounds and visuals the game produces.

mrssquigg said... 134

I would pick Rainforest and the one feature I know about is the soothing sounds. With 5 kids I could use some daily relaxation (with brain building - couldn't hurt!)

boba said... 139

I like the Zenses Ocean. I like how it features ambient sounds inspired by the ocean.

msrodeobrat said... 141

oh i love the ocean one! i used to live by the ocean and love the sounds.. thats my favorite feature, real ocean sounds to make me feel like i'm back at home

Misty said... 142

I would pick the Rainforest game. I love the sounds of the rainforest and playing with raindrops would be so much fun.

Guitar Guy said... 143

I like the ocean game and I like the ambient noises and ability to play just a few minutes at a time

Anonymous said... 144

I like the ocean game, the ambient sounds and puzzles look amazing.


boba said... 147

I would pick the Oceans game. I like how it uses ambient sounds inspired by the ocean.

Ilissa said... 150

I'd love to win Zenses Rainforest. It would be a lot of fun to explore different things in the rainforest like waterfalls and giant tress while playing games. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 158

If I had to pick one it would be Ocean because #1 I like puzzles, and the visualand ambient sounds inspired by the sea seem very soothing!

Of course, the Rainforest would be nice too. "Raindrops, exotic flowers..." paints a beautiful picture.


NASCAR Race Mom said... 159

I would pick Zenses Rainforest - I like that the game is infused with rain drops, exotic floweres, waterfalls and giant trees!

anchorage said... 160

I would choose the Zenses Ocean because it looks interesting!
shadowsangell (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said... 161

I would pick ocean and I would love to play the pearl game feature. It looks great.

Unknown said... 163

I like the Ocean game - puzzles inspired by the movements of the tide, sea life, and vegetation.

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said... 165

I think the Rainforest game would be my favorite...I think the features I like the most are the sounds and waterfall can't get much more relaxed than that!

Tina said... 168

I would pick the rainforest because of the sounds.

Thanks for the contest.

Anonymous said... 169

The zenses Rainforest sounds fun with the games infused with rain drops. I also love the ambient sounds idea.

Richard B said... 170

I would like the ocean game. I grew up close to the ocean and think the sound of the ocean on the game would remind me of home.

Dawn said... 171

I would like the rainforest version of Zenses. The feature I like most is the beautiful graphics.

pitaharmon said... 172

The ocean is for me. I like the spa-like blend of Mother Earth's greatest environments, and the soothing ambient sounds. (How was that!) This game looks so UN-exciting. This one is for me kids!

Renee G said... 173

I would pick the ocean zenses game. It can all be played with the stylus.

donnas said... 174

I like the Rainforest. Playing games amongst all the scenery and waterfalls would be cool.

Anonymous said... 175

Zenses Rainforest is the one for me. Exploring the rainforest is something I would virtually love, no pun intended. Listening to the melodic and relaxing sounds inspired by the rainforest will be amazing. I am a grandmother who lives with my working daughter and her two children. My daughter works the night shift so it is my job to take care of the children when she goes to work at 7pm, she works until 7am. I then have them all day while she sleeps. I cook, I clean and care for the pets as well. My grandson is getting a new DS and is giving me his current one. I would love...and need to relax at the end of my hard days with this delightful gaming experience! Thank you very much, what you are doing here is so neat, and unique, I really like it!!!

Unknown said... 176

I would love to win Oceans Zenses! With ambient sounds, relaxing soundscapes and addictive puzzles, it sounds wonderful.

Fae said... 177

Zenses Rainforest sounds fun!
The games blend highly addictive puzzles and brain training style challenges.

Unknown said... 178

Very ingenius of Zenses to create a video game "FOR WOMEN". I love these 2 games. But, since I have to choose I would first try the ocean Zenses.

Anonymous said... 182

I would love to try the rainforest game to hear the sounds of the forest.

Qwill said... 183

Happy New Years. I would like the Ocean game and would like to hear it's soothing sounds.

Sarah Z said... 184

I like Ocean and that it is all about puzzles.
believedreamcourage (at)

Anonymous said... 185

I like the Rainforest game. Features include ambient sounds and high quality visuals inspired by the rain forest.

Anonymous said... 187

I like the puzzles in the ocean one

Pam said... 188

I'd like the ocean game because the puzzle games based on the movement of the tide look great and I love the sounds of the ocean!

Christal said... 190

The rainforest one looks pretty cool and the puzzles would surely be entertaining

JoAnne said... 191

Zenses Rainforest - allows a person to explore the rainforest while playing games -- it sounds both entertaining and relaxing.

JeansandTs said... 194

I pick Zenses Rainforest which allows players to explore the Amazon while playing games infused with rain drops, exotic flowers, waterfalls and giant trees. This refreshing experience encourages players to recharge their batteries while playing puzzle games such as Sapphire Wheel, Mirror Maze, Stack Jack and Bumble Breaker.

Erica C. said... 195

I love that they both have a calming soundtrack, but the sound of the ocean really calms me the most, so I'd have to get the Ocean edition...thanks :)

DMarti2620 said... 196

The Zenses game I would pick would be Oceans and I like the ocean sounds feature of the game.

tlcfromtn said... 198

I would pick Ocean because of the relaxing puzzle games. Thanks!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

Jinxy and Me said... 199

I like the Zenses Ocean and the fact it has tide motions. Thanks for the giveaway!

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